Alumni and Community Services

Looking for help in starting or transitioning your career?
The Career Center is staffed with experienced Career Services Specialists who can provide a wide variety of FREE services to alumni and community members to assist with all phases of your career development. Through one-on-one coaching sessions and job readiness workshops, you will be prepared to handle multiple aspects of your job search.
Virtual workshops are being hosted by the Career Services Specialist via Webex. To register online by clicking the button "virtual workshops"
Speaker Industry Connections
Would you like to make a difference in a student's life? Do you have lessons to share regarding your career path? Have you often wondered how you could inspire someone?
If so, Tri-C has a wonderful opportunity for you. Tri-C's Career Center is excited to introduce a new initiative that will connect Tri-C students to local business leaders and industry professionals. Industry Connections is a speakers bureau from which Tri-C faculty can request presenters to come into the classroom and share topics and experiences that align with their course material.
Please contact us to be considered for the Industry Connections Speakers Bureau.