Program and Course Assessment

Course Level Assessment Assistance
All courses create and implement an assessment plan. If a discipline is new to course-level outcomes assessment, feel free to reach out to the Assessment Office, a CLOA member, and/or review the documents below:
- Sample Assessment Plan
- Sample Assessment Schedule
- Sample data collection tool
- Sample discipline communication tool
Program Level Assessment
All internally and externally accredited programs create and implement an assessment plan. If a discipline is new to program-level outcomes assessment, feel free to reach out to the Assessment Office, a CLOA member, and/or review the documents below:
Programs can also use surveys as an assessment tool:
- Employer surveys: Gauge how your graduates are doing in the real world. Results can identify any curricular gaps.
- Graduate surveys: Hear from your former students regarding areas in which they feel strong and those in which they would have liked to have had more practice before entering the workforce.
- Exit surveys: Learn what upcoming grads feel prepared for. Understand what equipment may need updating.
- Course surveys: Learn what works and what doesn't.
- The results are yours alone. LOA does not share data with anyone other than the survey requestor.
- Click here for sample survey questions
Please contact the Learning Outcomes Assessment Office to learn more!